毎回ディスカッションの1週間前にリーディングの資料を配布。 時事英語のボキャブラリー、知識も深めていきます。


“国際ニュースについて英語でディスカッションできるようになりたい!” “チャットだけでは物足りない。” “英語で自分の意見をはっきり主張できるようになりたい。”

このコースはただ英語で話すだけのクラスではありません。 レッスンでは、政治、社会、映画、スポーツなど幅広い分野の知識とボキャブラリーを身につけると同時に、Speak outのタイミングのとり方、How to politely interrupt / disagreeなど、効果的なディスカッションを行うためのスキルを習得していきます。
また毎学期、各生徒が「ディスカッション・リーダー」となるプロジェクトもコースの特長となっております。 これは単にメンバーとして毎回討論に参加するのではなく、学期の後半に、各自が交代でディスカッションのチェアマンを務めるという先進のエクササイズです。 会話におけるリーダーシップ・スキルを学ぶこの独自のプロジェクトで、世界のどこでも、堂々と英語で発言できる力を実現させます。


On the international stage and in the business arena, the ability to discuss effectively is crucial. Unfortunately, we all know some boring examples―where some people don't speak out, or where one person talks too much . . . or when the discussion itself is not stimulating.

These problems cannot be solved by language skills alone. ( These problems happen even in Japanese, right?)

What you need, together with your English skills, are Discussion Skills.

You need the techniques to be an effective participant, and the ability to use appropriate expressions to successfully convey your thoughts.


The World is the Textbook

The "textbook" of this course is the news of the world. Topics will range from politics and business to sports and entertainment. We will discuss international events that concern Japan, as well as issues that concern your own life.

Reading material will be given out one week before each discussion. And through it, you will have a chance to learn important English vocabulary and gain cultural insights. Don't worry that you are not "knowledgeable" about world events. One of the benefits of this course is that you will gain knowledge through the lessons.


In class, you will learn how to effectively "speak out." You will gain the skills to concisely and confidently state your opinions in English. You will acquire the know-how to debate assertively and to interrupt politely.

And one more important point. This is the most unique aspect of CURRENT ENGLISH COURSE:

We will teach you to become a skillful Discussion Leader. We will show you how to Manage the speaking time of the participants, Motivate the group to keep its energy, and Navigate the course of the discussion.

Sounds challenging, doesn't it? But there is a reason for doing this. A big reason. The most effective way to develop Discussion Skills is by becoming a leader of a discussion! When you become a leader, you gain a heightened awareness of all the skills needed to conduct a successful discussion.

Again and again, we have found that this activity dramatically enhances a student's excellence, both as a discussion participant and as an English communicator. And this ability will give you a huge advantage when you step into real-life discussions (including tele-conferences) with a group of native English speakers.


Throughout the years in CURRENT ENGLISH COURSE, we have seen many wonderful results.

Each and every week, our classes are filled with laughter and excitement, with lively discussions and debates!