クラスでは、毎回実用的で興味深いスピーキング・トピックを選択。 楽しく効果的に英語力を高めていくことができます。


クラスでは、日常の出来事から社会問題に至るまで、さまざまなトピックをもとにディスカッションを行い、ボキャブラリーと適切な「言い回し」を学んでいきます。 発言の機会をできるだけ多く設け、さらに、毎クラス講師が1つひとつ丁寧に上達ポイントをチェックし、思っていることをスムーズに、かつ的確に話せるように指導していきます。


Have you ever felt like this: You know what you want to say in your mind, but when you try to speak, it's sometimes not easy to express yourself clearly or accurately. You feel the distance between your "brain" and your "mouth." If you try to express a wide variety of opinions only by using the words you know, you will be frustrated.


To expand your Speaking Vocabulary is the main mission of SPEAKING POWER COURSE.

Our lessons aim to correct your personal weakpoints and provide you with sophisticated vocabulary and expressions to smoothly communicate your ideas. In class, discussions are conducted each week, with topics relating to your life and to society. We will help you express your own thoughts accurately, using appropriate expressions. To fully achieve this, you will receive "personal feedback" in the final section of every lesson.

Here is a sample:

Teacher: "Keiko, you mentioned that going on a safari was a wonderful experience. Well, a good expression to use is, 'I had the time of my life! ' Now, notice the intonation, everybody. Okay? Let's try it!

"And Ken, you said that keeping a good atmosphere is important at work. 'Chemistry' is an excellent word to use here. It's not only for science―'chemistry' can be used for human relationships as well.

"So you can say, 'Good chemistry is essential for a team to excel at the workplace.'"


We are confident that studying in SPEAKING POWER COURSE will make you travel faster and more powerfully across the ocean of communication.