Effective Speakingのスキルをより磨きたい!
自分では気づかない発音のウィークポイントを講師が的確に診断し、強化。 全てのレベルの方にとって収穫の多いレッスン内容です。
100分コースとの併用に最適。 相乗効果で吸収率を一段と高めます。


このコースでは、従来の発音クラスにはないスピーチコミュニケーション・メソッドを使い、効果的な英語の発声法を学び、スピーキングのヴォイス・トレーニングを集中的に行います。 正確な「発音」、ネイティブの「イントネーション」、そして滑らかな「リズム」を楽しく、効率よく身につけていくプログラムです。
開校以来、毎回活気溢れるクラスで大人気の本コース。 正確、かつ洗練された発音で英語を話したい方には、絶対おすすめのカリキュラムです。


The "Subtitle" Problem

Several years ago, the chairman of one of Japan's leading electronics companies was being interviewed on American TV. Known to be an international businessman, the chairman confidently spoke in English about his company's products and services.

The problem was, the TV station put up English subtitles or "super" on the screen while the chairman was speaking English. The TV station determined that his English "sounds" will not be understood by the general American audience.

Lifeline of Communication

When you speak English, the "sounds" you produce are the lifeline of your communication. Without formal "sound training," many Japanese speakers (including advanced speakers) never notice their problems. It's like playing music in front of your listeners with an out-of-tune piano.

This is why our FLUENCY TRAINING COURSE exists.

It is a course with a unique curriculum developed over the past two decades, and has effectively improved the weaknesses of many students, across all levels.

It is also a course that will enhance your Speaking Style in your quest to become an Effective English Speaker.

Mastering the "Three Keys"

Fluency Course focuses on mastering the "Three Keys for Fluency": Pronunciation (accurate production of the 52 sounds of English), Intonation (how to make your sentences lively and vivid), and Rhythm (how to make your English "flow" smoothly). You will acquire these skills in a high-energy environment (we never sit in class!) through a variety of exercises―dialogs, stories, jokes, speeches―all specifically designed to realize maximum effectiveness.

By employing the techniques of Speech-Communication, we will refine and upgrade your speaking skills―you will be able to speak more accurately, more clearly, and more effectively.


Over the years, the results have been clear.

We see a great difference between people who have studied in FLUENCY TRAINING COURSE, and those who haven't.

Remember, you don't want "subtitles" when you speak!