フィードバック・タイムでは、具体例も含めて上達ポイントをきめ細かくアドバイス。 話す力と同時に、“人に聴かせる力”を高めていきます。
SPEECH III では基盤となる技術を、SPEECH IIIでは、世界の第一線で活躍できるスキルとノウハウを伝授します!

単に言葉を口にするのではなく、相手のリアクションを引き出すのがコミュニケーションの目的。 英語の場合は特に、話し方がつまらない、または、わかりにくいと相手は耳を傾けてくれません。

国際舞台で成功するためには、リスナーを引きつけることができる、Effective Speaking Abilityが求められます。 どんな実践の場においても、自信を持って自分の考えを効果的に表現でき、リスナーの共感を得ることができる力です。 この能力を実現させるものがSPEECH-COMMUNICATIONの技術なのです。

本コースで習得するこの技術は、スピーチやプレゼンテーションを始め、数々の会話の場において、インパクトと説得力のある英語の話し方をもたらします。 自分の考えを明確に話す力、話をおもしろく伝えるスキル、そして人前で自信を持って話す力も格段にアップさせます。
独自のメソッドで行うクラスでの「スピーチ発表」はEffective Speakingを養う最適なプロセスとして用いられます。 このアプローチで得られる英語コミュニケーション、さらにプレゼンテーション能力の向上には、きっと驚かれることと、確信しております。
授業は基礎からのスタートとなりますので、初めての方も安心して受講いただけます。 磨き抜かれたカリキュラムは、過去15,000人以上の受講生に数多くの功績をもたらした実績を誇ります。 Confidence, Fluency, Effectivenessを高次元で身につけ、“100人に対しても、1人に対しても”英語で自分をアピールできるノウハウを、全米スピーチ・チャンピオンのリチャード・ハンがあなたに伝授します。




「話す力」と「話す自信」。 スピーチコミュニケーションの世界への第一歩です!
このステップでは、Effective Speakingの基礎的なスキルを学習します。 英語のTVニュースをアナウンスするなど、多種多様なプロジェクトで「表現力」と「伝える力」を高めていきます。 英語の効果的な話し方、話のコンテンツをわかりやすく、かつ興味深く構成する方法など、インパクトのあるスピーチやプレゼンテーションの基盤となる技術を習得し、実践します。


スピーチコミュニケーション能力をさらに向上させる、SPEECH I とのジョイントステップです。
John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King等アメリカの代表的なスピーチを題材に、感動を呼ぶ、説得力のあるスピーキング法を学びます。 さらに、英語のユーモア、ジョークの研究・実践を通して「聴衆を楽しませる話し方」も習得する、画期的なカリキュラムです。
例えば――ひとつの学期で INFORMATIVE SPEAKING(効果的な説明の仕方)を学び、別の学期ではストーリーテリングで ENTERTAINING(人の心を動かす物語の語り方)を習得。 また、違うタームではPERSUASION(人を説得する手法)を学習し、他の学期ではIMPROMPTU(即興スピーチ)の技術を身につける――という先進のシステム。 毎学期違う側面からスピーチとプレゼンテーションを学び、総合的なスキルアップを図っていきます。
このステップで真のEffective Speakerになることを目指してください!
他のクラスでスピーチやプレゼンテーションの発表がある日に聴衆として参加することができます。 さまざまな人のスピーチ・テクニックを研究し、Effective Speakingの知識とノウハウを深めていくことができるシステムです。

This is where we start!

The target of our SPEECH-COMMUNICATION COURSE is to become an Effective English Speaker, to be able to communicate in English with confidence and with impact. An Effective Speaker is someone who is interesting to listen to, someone who can speak both clearly and persuasively.

In class, we will show you how to achieve this. Through our lessons, you will learn how to make high-powered English speeches and presentations.

A "speech" is a product of refined speaking. That is why the process of giving speeches has the power to significantly increase your overall communication ability, both for speaking in front of a group of people, as well as for communicating in conversational situations. That will be your big benefit. Remember, being "boring" to a hundred people also means being "boring" to one person.

But in SPEECH I, we will not simply ask you to make a speech from the beginning.

In order to speak effectively, you first need to acquire the different skills that make up Effective Speaking. And we will teach you these skills one step at a time, through a variety of creative projects and activities.

"Stage Fright"

That's the word for feeling nervous when you speak in front of people. And as you know, just saying, "Relax . . . relax . . . " won't work.

But there is a way. In fact, there are a number of ways to keep Stage Fright under control. Through the lessons, we will teach you the various know-how and methods to confidently speak English in front of an audience.

Speaking Style

One of the biggest differences between an Effective Speaker and a boring speaker is how a person speaks. If a person speaks in a flat voice without any movements, we will not want to listen to the speaker.

A crucial step for Effective Speaking is to learn the skills to use your "Voice" and "Body" effectively. This is called Speaking Style. And it is the first area we focus in SPEECH I class.

Imagine a baby. What would you do to make him sleep? You might sing a "lullaby" for him. All lullabies around the world have one thing in common: the song maintains the "same speed" from beginning to end. And that makes the baby sleepy.

The same thing happens when you speak. Lack of speed change will make your listeners sleepy (even if they are not babies).

On the other hand, if you master the technique to shift speeds with your voice, you will be able to keep your listeners' attention, and you will also be able to greatly enhance the impact and meaning of your content. This is the skill for "Rate Control." Along with sophisticated techniques for using Eye-Contact and Gestures, this is just one of the many "Speaking Style " secrets you will learn and practice in SPEECH I .

In class, all the skills for Speaking Style will be taught using easy-to-remember "checkpoints" and specially designed training exercises, including one project where you will become an English TV announcer!

Creating an Effective Content

Even a great speaker cannot be successful if her Content doesn't have impact. For example, you don't want to start your presentation by simply saying, "Today I want to talk about . . . " This is a "neutral" introduction that will not capture your listeners' interest.

On Week 5, we will teach you the know-how to effectively construct your speaking content.

By using real examples and demonstrations, we will show you the secrets for creating an elegant introduction and a powerful ending. You will learn a host of proven methods that will make your presentation more interesting and more persuasive. (All these skills can be applied even when you speak in Japanese!)

Spotlights, On!

Combining the skills you have gained, and with two weeks of preparation time, we go into Week 7―your "Speech Debut Day!" The day to control Stage Fright. The day to present your own original speech.

But you will not be alone.

Leave it to us. Following your speech, we will expertly advise you, coach you, and show you the different ways to brush up your performance. That is our job.

Furthermore, we will record your presentation on your "Personal Video Tape." You will be able to monitor your progress and evaluate yourself at home.

This course will be unlike any English class you have taken before.

Our program with its unique "Input-Output-Feedback" training method is the result of over two decades of development and refinement.

You will gain a variety of new skills to communicate in English at a much higher level. You will be able to elevate the level of your Confidence, your Fluency, and your speaking Effectiveness. We have seen this happen with thousands of people throughout the years, time and time again.

There is nothing to fear. Everything will be taught step by step.

But the very first step to take is yours.

*To learn more about the skills we teach in SPEECH-COMMUNICATION COURSE, see Richard Han's "Advice Column" at the end of our Main Menu List.

Our journey continues.

SPEECH II is the second half of the "Foundation Step" of our Speech-Communication program. Both SPEECH I and SPEECH II are designed to give you maximum benefit taken together as a single unit.

The curriculum of SPEECH II builds upon the concepts learned in SPEECH I . The program is divided into separate "projects," all targeted to expand your ability for Effective Speaking.

In other words, SPEECH II will make your skills grow higher and wider.

Breaking Your Shell

The first SPEECH II project focuses on the study of the World's Greatest Speakers. In SPEECH I, you acquire your skills by practicing your own speech. To take the next step as an Effective Speaker, you must now break out of your own shell, and be able to speak with a wider range of expressions.

The study of two great speakers―John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King―will realize this goal. By presenting their speeches, you will learn how to speak with conviction. You will discover the "secrets" to move the hearts of your listeners.

Each term, we see excellent progress made by our students with this project. But not only that. You will also gain a deeper understanding of the culture of the U.S.―socially, historically and politically.


The study of Humor is another big project in SPEECH II. Humor is an absolutely necessary tool for communication. Especially in English. The target is to make people laugh with you, not at you!

In class, we will teach you how. We will teach you the skills for "joke-telling" and show you the many techniques to "attract" your listeners.

But there is also a deeper training hidden in joke-telling. By practicing to tell a joke, you will be able to significantly improve your overall communication ability.

Listeners cannot pretend to understand a joke. And that means you have to make your words and sentences extra clear, and you must vividly use your voice and body to fully communicate your message.

In this way, joke-telling has the power to "totally enhance" your speaking skills. It is also a wonderfully fun activity, and through it, you will gain confidence and fluency, together with more sophisticated techniques for Effective Speaking. This is one of the reasons why many Speech Students have rated SPEECH II as their favorite term!


Getting Ready for the Main Event

Don't worry if all this sounds hard to do. All the necessary skills will be taught each week in class. "To be able to master the things that previously seemed hard"―that's progress. That's the philosophy and approach of Speech-Communication, and of our whole Academy.

With your enthusiasm and motivation, you will be able to further expand and enrich your ability. And you will find yourself ready for the main event: SPEECH III.

Ten Different Ways to Make Progress

The unique feature of our SPEECH III curriculum is that it is divided into 10 different "Study Themes."

One term, one theme.

So even though the name "SPEECH III" remains the same, the class content changes from term to term.

There are two reasons for this system:

1. To allow you to acquire each skill area in greater depth.

2. To make you a complete Effective Speaker.

This concept is similar to an athlete who trains to improve the whole body, focusing on one part of the body at a time. By studying the different themes, you will acquire a wide range of new skills, and through this process, you will be able to upgrade your general speaking effectiveness.

Each lesson of each theme has been carefully developed and refined over the years to provide maximum results. Also, the key study themes for Effective Speaking―"Informative Speaking" and "Persuasion"―are further divided into different "segments," allowing you to master these skills more deeply and completely.

We have also designed the program so you can take SPEECH III starting from any theme upon completing SPEECH II.


What are the different themes? Well, here they are:

Being able to communicate your ideas clearly and accurately is the foundation of Effective Speaking.

What are the necessary skills to explain effectively?

How can you keep your listeners interested as you speak?

In this theme, through a variety of activities, you will learn the skills and know-how to make high-powered informative speeches and presentations.

Your strength as a speaker is measured by your ability to persuade your listeners. Here, you will acquire the skills to speak in a convincing manner. We will teach you how to use the "Monroe Motivated Sequence," along with other sophisticated tools and techniques for persuading people.

Persuasion is a crucial skill to master for Effective Speaking.

In class, through "Sales Speeches" and various other exciting projects, we will show you the secrets to realize this quest.

Can you make your listeners laugh? Cry? Can you move their hearts?

Storytelling is the ultimate project that allows you to express yourself in a vivid and lively manner. You will be able to enormously enhance your Speaking Style by mastering its various techniques, including "narration," "description," and "characterization."

Each time, Speech Students have shown tremendous progress through this study.

This theme is one of the highlights of our SPEECH III curriculum!

One topic. Two speakers with opposing viewpoints. Each with a speech to persuade the audience. Both engaging in "cross discussion" following their speech. Mission: To win the agreement of the listeners and judges.

Challenging, isn't it?

In this term, you will learn the necessary techniques to effectively debate, and gain the skills to communicate in a truly persuasive manner!

No matter what your purpose for speaking, if your listeners become bored, they will "switch off" their ears.

Can you hold your listeners' attention and make them enjoy listening to you? How can you successfully keep your audience entertained by your speaking?

In class, combined with an in-depth study of "humor," you will learn the necessary skills to achieve this goal.

Can you make speeches that connect directly to the "hearts" of people?

Such speeches (a shining example are those of Martin Luther King) have the power to uplift, encourage, and move the audience.

Here, we will show you how to inject elegance and power into your own content. We will teach you how to speak to touch the hearts of your listeners.

Mark Twain once said, "It takes 3 weeks to prepare a good ad-lib speech." This means, even a well-prepared speech succeeds only when it is presented in a "natural" speaking manner.

Your speech must not be "read," nor should it "sound memorized"; it must be extemporaneous.

In this term, you will learn how to make your words flow smoothly and naturally, with maximum effectiveness.

Through a number of unique projects, including "Magic Performances," we will upgrade the delivery method for your presentations.

How do you make a "Welcome Speech" or a "Thank you Speech?" Or a truly effective "Wedding Speech?" What are the necessary skills for Style and Content? What are the proper manners and etiquette?

Having the speaking ability to successfully match the occasion is absolutely essential in life and in business.

In this term, we will work on the skills and techniques to make you an effective English communicator―at any place, at any time.

J.F.K. and Martin Luther King were just the beginning in SPEECH II.

From the passion of Malcolm X, the excitement of Muhammad Ali, to the grace of Barbara Bush, you will further discover the secrets of the world's most successful speakers.

You will gain insights from their Style and Content, and learn how they impacted society.

By studying their speeches, we will aim to further expand and advance your own skills as an Effective Speaker!

Can you speak effectively instantly, without prepared notes? Can you quickly organize your thoughts and confidently express yourself in English?

Sounds difficult, doesn't it?

But think about it, most situations of communication are "impromptu," including Q and A Sessions which take place after a presentation.

Being able to speak "on the spot" is an important skill. And there is a know-how for it. That's what you will learn and practice in this term . . . an important study for ALL Speech Students!

NOTE: The above themes are not necessarily taught in the order they appear here.

The world of Speech-Communication is deep. But the journey will be exciting and the rewards will be great.

Combined with your efforts, we are confident you will join our many students who have made great advancements, the people who have excelled and succeeded on the international stage.